Rabu, 22 November 2017

How to Make Thor Helmet from Thor: Ragnarok using Cardboard

Hey, guys! This time, I want to make Thor Helmet based on the movie, Thor - Ragnarok. But, this helmet not so accurate from the movie and for the template, it's actually not mine, I just download and edit a bit. And of course, for you, so you can make this helmet at home and you can do it by yourself.

- Template and instruction:
https://goo.gl/vTSwmS (template)
https://goo.gl/2Pp7vJ (instruction)

- Item Used:
Cardboard/Carton/Eva Foam
PVAc Glue
Super Glue (If needed)
Wood Glue (Glue Gun for option)
Binder Clips (If necessary)

- Tutorial:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/B0bD4nzj9FQ
Part 2: Coming Soon

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

How to Make The Winter Soldier Mask + Glasses from Cardboard

This is one of my favorite Marvel Characters, The Winter Soldier. In this post, I will show you How To Make The Winter Sodier Mask + Glasses from cardboard where you can do it yourself at home.

Materials :
Yellow Glue (Glue Gun for the alternative)
Binder Clips
Book's covering papers (Newspaper for the alternative)
PVAc Glue
Masking Tape
Black and Silver Paint

Download the template by Aybek Osmonaliev :
.pdf 4 parts
Download 3D model (open it using Pepakura Desaigner 4)

The Build :
In the second parts, is the part where I finish my project. There's detail that I can't explain in the video, That is why, I'll explain in here.
-To hold the glasses, I use elastic webbing/nylon (create according the size of your head). Connect the left side to the right side (twice) by using yellow glue (used for wood or leather) or you can use super glue.
-And the visor frame, I use pvc transparent or mica plastic (you must find black). Visor frame larger than the original form and use yellow glue.
-For the "silver's area" use masking tape accroding this image :

For questions, you can send an email to my email address ; panome16@gmail.com

Work result :

Tutorial :

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